
The First Night Out

The Avett Brothers are a band Dr. Molly (a doctor I work for) turned me on to. Bluegrass/country/rock type stuff, I got the CD a few months back and Chris and I really liked them, so I was pretty stoked on getting into a new band and never thought they would lead us to the first night out! It was the end of March and Dr. Molly came to me to tell me The Avett Brothers were coming to town and she could get us great seats, super stoked I said Yes and bought two tickets. A few days later she gave me the tickets and it dawned on me, the show was June 19th...the baby would be here by then and I went into complete panic mode. I can't leave the baby I thought...it's too soon, he will only be 2 months, but I decided to let it go and I would cross that bridge when I got there. Yesterday, I got there! Two months had flown by and it was time for the big night out, just Chris and I, no Greyson, could we survive!! I had arranged for Brittany to watch him, since she lives with us and it would be easiest for him, she was so excited to spend time with him alone! After her briefing(she is pretty up to date on his idiosyncrasies since she sees him everyday, but I needed to run through the bath, feeding, putting to sleep schedule) we heading off to dinner. The last words Brittany said out aloud as she took Greyson for a walk and we drove away were... "Greyson...NOW WE CAN EAT COOKIES!!!!!" I knew he was in for a fun night. Here are the events of the evening in Brittany's eyes, since she took it upon herself to document the debauchery on film.

She can't wait to give him choclate milk...at least it's organic!

It's the truth!

now there's TROUBLE!

Grandma Patti, Nicole and Greyson

first bath time mohawk!!

I'm ready for bed, dude!

After what seemed liked days we returned home to our sweet baby boy, sound asleep in his crib, and mama and daddy had an awesome time, so the night was a success. I think it will be a while before I leave him alone again, but it is good to know we made it through the first time in one piece. And just to let you know The Avett Brothers could be the best live band ever. for real

1 comment:

jakesmom said...


Did Aunt Brit hide your "My Aunt Steph is the best Aunt in the whole world!" sign again ???? Just remember, she might give you chocolate milk but you and I are going to Disneyland, Knott's Berry Farm, Universal Studios, Sea World, the San Diego Zoo, the Wild Animal Park and when you are old enough...margaritas in Mexico!

See you and your folks in 20 days!