
The First Night Out

The Avett Brothers are a band Dr. Molly (a doctor I work for) turned me on to. Bluegrass/country/rock type stuff, I got the CD a few months back and Chris and I really liked them, so I was pretty stoked on getting into a new band and never thought they would lead us to the first night out! It was the end of March and Dr. Molly came to me to tell me The Avett Brothers were coming to town and she could get us great seats, super stoked I said Yes and bought two tickets. A few days later she gave me the tickets and it dawned on me, the show was June 19th...the baby would be here by then and I went into complete panic mode. I can't leave the baby I thought...it's too soon, he will only be 2 months, but I decided to let it go and I would cross that bridge when I got there. Yesterday, I got there! Two months had flown by and it was time for the big night out, just Chris and I, no Greyson, could we survive!! I had arranged for Brittany to watch him, since she lives with us and it would be easiest for him, she was so excited to spend time with him alone! After her briefing(she is pretty up to date on his idiosyncrasies since she sees him everyday, but I needed to run through the bath, feeding, putting to sleep schedule) we heading off to dinner. The last words Brittany said out aloud as she took Greyson for a walk and we drove away were... "Greyson...NOW WE CAN EAT COOKIES!!!!!" I knew he was in for a fun night. Here are the events of the evening in Brittany's eyes, since she took it upon herself to document the debauchery on film.

She can't wait to give him choclate milk...at least it's organic!

It's the truth!

now there's TROUBLE!

Grandma Patti, Nicole and Greyson

first bath time mohawk!!

I'm ready for bed, dude!

After what seemed liked days we returned home to our sweet baby boy, sound asleep in his crib, and mama and daddy had an awesome time, so the night was a success. I think it will be a while before I leave him alone again, but it is good to know we made it through the first time in one piece. And just to let you know The Avett Brothers could be the best live band ever. for real

it's been a while..

So a lot has happened since our last post, sorry for the lack of updates we are being total slackers! First, Happy Belated Birthday Aunt Steph and Jake, so we are late on the shout out, but having a 2 month old we barely know the day of the week, let alone the date.

I guess I will start with Uncle Jame's visit. Congrats to Uncle James for killing it at the X-terra Race and coming in first!! (We knew you would) Geryson got to see James and Beth on Sunday after the race, we all went to dinner for father's day. Chris was pretty sad that James's race fell on his first father's day, since Greyson wasn't able to go, but he was able to spend a good amount of time with him when they got back. Three generations of Walsh men at dinner, crazy when you think about it! After a nice dinner with Jim, Gail, James and Beth we headed home to relax and enjoy the rest of Father's Day, just the three of us.

Monday Chris, Brit, Geryson and I went over to Grandpa and Grandma's for dinner and to spend some family time with everyone including Beth and James. Dinner was epic Filet and a great salad BJ (short for Beth and James) threw together. Geryson had a great time, hanging with the big boys.

Tuesday, more Walsh family time, since BJ were leaving the next morning. Relaxing time over at our house this time, with great pizza from Zpizza and Fro-Yo to finish the meal. I know Beth was having Golden Spoon withdrawals at that point, the girl is addicted. After some more quality Greyson hang time (he even let Grandma hold him for a while, she's convinced he doesn't like her, HAHA! He loves her.) it was time for everyone to head home, sad moment because that meant BJ were heading back to San Diego, 3000 miles away from baby Grey!!!

Wednesday was pretty normal day. Sleep, eat, smile, sleep, eat smile, poop.

Thursday was a whole other story, more to come on the events of the evening!


Good Morning

Morning smiles


diapers are for wimps

A little gas never hurt anyone! Listen close Greyson has a message for you.

- I can't wait to show this to future girlfriends!!


Grandma's Wedding

We took our first family trip two weeks ago to the Outer banks, for Grandma's Wedding. My Grandma Patti and Carlos got married in Kitty hawk and me, mommy and daddy spent the weekend at the beach house. We had a really fun time, I was the life of the party. I think everyone was more excited to see me than the bride! I got to meet a lot of my family I hadn't seen yet, it was awesome!! I also discovered I LOVE the hammock. The hammock by the pool is the place to be, let me tell you. I can't wait to take a dip in the pool!! Here are a few pictures form the weekend. Check out my super cool fancy pants outfit I rocked to the wedding!

the injuried list

so there comes a time in every baby's life where the loving caring parents injure them. No one wants to be the parent that inflicts the first "boo boo", but someone has to hold the title. well the time has come, and although Chris was the first to make him cry while nipping him while cutting his fingernails (Chris cried more than Greyson), I was the first to draw blood. Yup, I said it, I made the baby bleed! Damn those fingernail clippers they are the devil. Since the last try Chris refuses to help cut his nails, so mama decided to try it as a solo mission. Two feet and one hand down and i was feeling pretty good about myself, and then it happened! A loud cry followed by the saddest face ever and there it was blood. My reaction was to stick his finger in my mouth to try to stop the bleeding, and then I picked him up and held him so tight (he wasn't even upset at this point) and I refused to look at his finger, I just knew I had caused permanent damage. HAHA After a few moments of hugging him and telling him I love him, Daddy came home. thank goodness I thought, I needed some support. I pulled greyson away to show daddy and his little hand was covered in blood, and it was on me too. It broke my heart, of course it looked way worse than it was, and once daddy cleaned it up and put on his first band-aid we were all back to normal. So the award to first parent to draw blood goes to me the mommy, and I guess since he is a boy and Chris's son I should get used to the sight of his blood. Lord knows he will be a fearless little monster.

PS. I also dropped a container of cool-whip on his head in Harris Teeter, thankfully no blood was drawn at that event.

Injury Count
Dad: 1
Mom: 2


when mama's away.......

Well, tonight Courtney had to go do a facial/working interview thing and i had the boy all to myself.. HA HA.. nothing too eventful happened tonight but we did watch Batman Begins. Greyson liked it.(he was taking mental notes) Then i gave him a bath, fed him, and put him down to sleep. He sure loves his baths. And that is where he still is. ASLEEP... In his own bed.. and i am glad to say that he spent his first full night outside of our bed last night. We both know that it is a good thing but he was so far away. I missed him being right next to me. It was a good night, Courtney's home now and all is well..

-rad shoes courtsey of aunt steph


Uncle James is coming to town

Upon advice from recent friends I decided to set-up a blog about Chris and I's newest addition Greyson Scott Walsh. I figure this is the best way to keep all the family members up to date on the little guy and how quick he is growing. Hopefully this will keep his aunt Steph happy since she is currently upset with the lack of "lil G" updates I seem to forget to send her! Luv ya Steph.

The blog will basically consist of myself, Chris and Greyson, sharing our thoughts on things happening in our lives, and all of Greyson's discoveries in this crazy world. Hope everyone enjoys!

This weekend is going to be a big weekend for Greyson, since his Uncle James is coming into town to kick ass in the Richmond X-terra race. Greyson only has the brain power at this young age to comprehend first place, so that is the only option for James, otherwise I'm not sure what I am going to tell the lil' guy.

Here is a statement from Greyson himself "Good luck Uncle James!! Sorry Mom and I wont make it up to Richmond, but Mom says we love you and all, but not enough to sweat all day in the stinky Richmond sun. I'm sending Daddy and Aunt Brit Brit in our place, hope this will do. Here are some words of wisdom from a very smart man Ricky Bobby..If you aint first, you're last!!"

I guess this will do it for my first official Greyson blog update, we'll keep you posted!

Age: 7 weeks

weight: about 11 lbs

height: 24 inches
current clothing size: 3 months