
Greyson had been working at it for the last week, but tonight in the bath tub he finally learned to clap!!


Yeah it's bath time

Greyson's Favorite time of the day, other than "NAKED TIME" which proceeds Bath Time. Once you strip him down and say go the bath, off he goes crawling quickly down the hall right up to the tub and then he pees. Yup pees right on the tub, like a puppy marking his territory. I guess he is showing us who's boss.

Our new place

so as all of you know....we bought a house!! We are so excited, but it's been a really stressful and busy time for us. Packing, unpacking (still not done), painting, wall pappering, cleaning, and blah blah blah. We are doing a lot of things around the house to make it our own, so I wanted to post some "before" pics, so that way you can see all or hard work. Chris and I are just so stoked and really really love the house, it's small, but it's OUR's. Greyson seems to really enjoy it as well. He is just crawling all over the place.

Grandpa came over to help wall paper...wall paper is code for "Hang with Greyson"

since its almost x-mas

First Thanksgiving family photo

Greyson's first Thanksgiving was spent down in the Ourter Banks at Bremuda West, with my side of the family. We had a really nice time, the weather was beautiful and the food was tasty. Greyson was the center of attention all day, since they hadn't seen him in a while. i can't wait until next year, when he can really dig into the good eats!
I guess I should post some pics from Turkey Day! Sadly we really didn't get to many good ones, due to the camera being on the fritz, but here is what we have. Yes Greyson did get to "gum" on some Turkey, and I'm sure behind Chris and I's back, my family gave him some other fixings...that were not pre-approved by us. HAHA. I'm not sure what the appeal is with feeding other peoples babies "big people food", but everyone LOVES to do it. All is all we had a really nice time...and PS Christopher is the not a really good Chardes player...so don't pick him for your team
Chris, Aunt Brit and Grandma Patti

Greyson with his cousin Maylen

Fancy pants sweater vest



Halloween...Good Times Since Greyson was only 6 months on Halloween, we felt like people would think we were weirdos if we went door to door...trick or treating for him. I mean lets be honest, two grown adults show up on your doorstep with a baby who can't even walk yet, let alone unwrap and chew the mini-snickers bar...yelling trick or treat in your face...yup, you know where the candy is going..right in their belly, the poor cute innocent baby is merely used as a ploy to bribe the neighbors out of the "good stuff"...and well as much as we wanted the candy, we couldn't bring ourselves to do it. So instead we passed out candy at my Aunt Pil and Uncle Keith's house...I use the term "passed out" loosely, we basically ate all the brand name candy right out of the basket, so by default, we were stealing candy from children, and it was tasty!! Greyson was a trooper...up passed bed time....in the cold....dressed as a monkey and still the happiest lil guy on the block. The only bummer is Halloween fall during his "MOM I"M WAY TOO COOL TO LOOK AT THE CAMERA, SO HERE IS MY EMO POSE." phase, so it was hard to get a good could pic of just how cute he was Thankfully this phase of his life was short lived and he is back to being a total Ham! We ended up dressing up as a Monkey,Tiger and Zoo Keeper, good times.The costume was courtesy of Grandma Gail and Grandpa Jim!!

back in buisness

camera is up and working and photos are uploaded, hope you are ready!!!

so my two cousins both have birthdays in October and we always go to Busch Gardens as their gift. Here are a few photos from our day.

Please keep in mind this was my first time back on a "ride", since the dreaded attack of 07 at the San Diego fair...if you were there you remember, and if you weren't....well.... frankly due to my PTSD, my therapist asked me to NEVER speak of the details again. Luckily with a little bit of pressure from Chris, the ability to scream louder than any pre-teen girl, and removing my glasses so I couldn't see how high I was, I conquered all the roller coaster at BG....

Courtney score 1.....PANIC ATTACKS 0


it's DECEMBER already!

so a lot as gone on since our last post, most importantly...our digital camera took a bath in the spiked Halloween punch therefore no pics. BOO!!! On to happier topics. We bought a house!!!! YEAH!!! We couldn't be more excited! It is so nice to have a place to call your own. We would like to give a BIG THANK YOU to Gail and Jim for all their help, moving, cleaning, painting, wallpapering and so forth, we couldn't have done it without them. We aren't completely unpacked, but hopefully by this weekend. Greyson is getting used to his new surroundings and loving every moment of it. He is just all over the place, crawling like a mad man. He loves to chase us around the house and play hide and seek. He is starting to babble a bit more. The other day Aunt Brit was talking to him and he looked right at her and said "BLAH BLAH BLAH!!" it was to funny. We have gotten a few MA MA MA's and DA DA DA's, but he has no idea what he is saying, so it doesn't count. Last night was his first night in his new room, solo style, and us we all survived, barely!! Well I know this was a short and sweet update, but it's WAY past my bed time, so more this weekend. hopefully so pics...keep your fingers crossed!!


Pumpkin Patch

This is a photo post. I'll let the pictures doing the talking!! We had so much fun during our first family trip to the pumpkin patch!!!


life in the fast lane

sorry for the delay. Time flies when you are the mama of a 6 month old. We have lots of new pics, but due to an issue with our PC, when can't get to them right now, so sorry for no photos....but take my word for it he is tooooo cute and getting so big! Last Saturday Greyson decided to start crawling, sitting up on his own, and pulling himself up on all the furniture. Can you say BABY PROOF. Greyson is growing like a weed and becoming such a big boy. On top of chasing around a 6 month old, we are in the process of buying our first house...keep your fingers crossed everything goes smoothly. Well I know this is a short update, but more to come in the next few days.....We are planning to take the lil monkey to the pumpkin patch this saturday, if the rain stays away!

HUGS to everyone!


GAME TIME........




Greyson had his first Gymboree class today, we all went as a family. Greyson was a little nervous to meet all the other babies, since he hasn't seen many other in his lifetime. He threw up a little before we went in, dada said it was his nervous belly, which he gets from his father. HAHA. We sang songs, played mirror games, played with toys, popped bubbles and played on the tumble mats. Greyson seemed to have a great time and we are looking forward to going back soon!


I guess the other day I ate these green things called av-o-cad-os. Whatever. They were good. Mom and Dad think these pics are funny. HA HA. Um.. I can't clean myself. very funny