
it's been a while..

So a lot has happened since our last post, sorry for the lack of updates we are being total slackers! First, Happy Belated Birthday Aunt Steph and Jake, so we are late on the shout out, but having a 2 month old we barely know the day of the week, let alone the date.

I guess I will start with Uncle Jame's visit. Congrats to Uncle James for killing it at the X-terra Race and coming in first!! (We knew you would) Geryson got to see James and Beth on Sunday after the race, we all went to dinner for father's day. Chris was pretty sad that James's race fell on his first father's day, since Greyson wasn't able to go, but he was able to spend a good amount of time with him when they got back. Three generations of Walsh men at dinner, crazy when you think about it! After a nice dinner with Jim, Gail, James and Beth we headed home to relax and enjoy the rest of Father's Day, just the three of us.

Monday Chris, Brit, Geryson and I went over to Grandpa and Grandma's for dinner and to spend some family time with everyone including Beth and James. Dinner was epic Filet and a great salad BJ (short for Beth and James) threw together. Geryson had a great time, hanging with the big boys.

Tuesday, more Walsh family time, since BJ were leaving the next morning. Relaxing time over at our house this time, with great pizza from Zpizza and Fro-Yo to finish the meal. I know Beth was having Golden Spoon withdrawals at that point, the girl is addicted. After some more quality Greyson hang time (he even let Grandma hold him for a while, she's convinced he doesn't like her, HAHA! He loves her.) it was time for everyone to head home, sad moment because that meant BJ were heading back to San Diego, 3000 miles away from baby Grey!!!

Wednesday was pretty normal day. Sleep, eat, smile, sleep, eat smile, poop.

Thursday was a whole other story, more to come on the events of the evening!

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