Upon advice from recent friends I decided to set-up a blog about Chris and I's newest addition Greyson Scott Walsh. I figure this is the best way to keep all the family members up to date on the little guy and how quick he is growing. Hopefully this will keep his aunt Steph happy since she is currently upset with the lack of "lil G" updates I seem to forget to send her! Luv ya Steph.
The blog will basically consist of myself, Chris and Greyson, sharing our thoughts on things happening in our lives, and all of Greyson's discoveries in this crazy world. Hope everyone enjoys!
This weekend is going to be a big weekend for Greyson, since his Uncle James is coming into town to kick ass in the Richmond X-terra race. Greyson only has the brain power at this young age to comprehend first place, so that is the only option for James, otherwise I'm not sure what I am going to tell the lil' guy.
Here is a statement from Greyson himself "Good luck Uncle James!! Sorry Mom and I wont make it up to Richmond, but Mom says we love you and all, but not enough to sweat all day in the stinky Richmond sun. I'm sending Daddy and Aunt Brit Brit in our place, hope this will do. Here are some words of wisdom from a very smart man Ricky Bobby..If you aint first, you're last!!"
I guess this will do it for my first official Greyson blog update, we'll keep you posted!
Age: 7 weeks
weight: about 11 lbs
height: 24 inches
current clothing size: 3 months
This is brilliant! Greyson tell your Mom and Dad that I forgive them on the condition they use the video camera I bought you to enhance the updates. Jake and I will see you in 36 days!
Aunt Steph
Hey Guys! It's Devon. I love Greyson's blog, and I will keep checking up to see what's going on with him. See you guys later!
AWESOME! Grey-dog make sure you keep your mom and day in line... I will be reprsent'n for you on sunday! I can't wait to to see you guys.
This is the BEST idea!!!
Baby Grey, I sent you a little package yesterday. You should have it in the next day or so. It's not much but I hope you like it !!
Love you all,
I expect at least daily updates, and I will be checking.
This rules! I'm saving it in my favorites. This better get updated daily.
I put something in the mail for you today, Greyson. I hope you like it.
Hey Greyson!
Great Blog! Your parents are the greatest! I enjoyed reading about all of your adventures!
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