
life in the fast lane

sorry for the delay. Time flies when you are the mama of a 6 month old. We have lots of new pics, but due to an issue with our PC, when can't get to them right now, so sorry for no photos....but take my word for it he is tooooo cute and getting so big! Last Saturday Greyson decided to start crawling, sitting up on his own, and pulling himself up on all the furniture. Can you say BABY PROOF. Greyson is growing like a weed and becoming such a big boy. On top of chasing around a 6 month old, we are in the process of buying our first house...keep your fingers crossed everything goes smoothly. Well I know this is a short update, but more to come in the next few days.....We are planning to take the lil monkey to the pumpkin patch this saturday, if the rain stays away!

HUGS to everyone!


jakesmom said...

Oh man, the pumpkin patch...I miss taking Jake to to the pumpkin patch and buying costumes and trick or treating.....Have fun.

So excited for you guys about the house!

Jim said...

Too bad that you have no pictures. After seeing Baby G this week, I can attest to the changes. If people reading this blog want to see him in action, go to http://longboarder2.blogspot.com/ and see the video "The Little Guy is on the move".

Keeping our fingers crossed on the house issue. It's really cute and, as Gail would say, "has great potential".

Devon said...

can wait for you guys to come to out house to go trick or treating! greyson is so big!

Lacy said...

That little outfit with the Converse and the flannel shirt is the cutest thing I have ever seen.