
9 months

20 Lbs

Greyson is growing like a weed these days. He is learning so much, clapping, high fives, peek a boo, waving bye bye/hi, and he knows sign language for All Done! We are working on blowing kisses and shaking his head Yes and No. He is babbling like crazy, mama, dada and a bunch of other sounds I can't figure out yet. He loves climbing into the entertainment center and pushing his face on the glass and he is also a fan of been chased. He is turning into a little maniac, and we are loving every minute of it. Hope everyone is doing well, check your mailbox soon for the 9 month update with pics. We also want to give a big shout out to Uncle James Happy Birthday!!!!!


Jim said...

Does your snot and slobber ever stop?

The "spank the baby" video is hilarious!

jameson said...

thanks for the shout out! That kid is a monster. He looks way bigger than when we were there a month ago...

jakesmom said...

Too cute, although I am a little disturbed by the video. Could he be developing a fetish? Haha!